Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So Tonight At Alberto's...

I dunno if anyone still looks at this blog but i thought this was blog worthy. Tonight at Alberto's I was supposed to get 7 cents change instead I got a nickel a penny and this

A German Nazi Reich Coin from 1942, thats crazy, I didn't know Alberto's was a Nazi organization. I was hoping it would be super rare and sell for 100k but it turns out theres a ton on ebay for about 5 bucks average price, wah wahh. Oh well I guess I can't quit school after all.


Jeff and Yvonne Weinstein said...

Too bad.... I would have become your new best friend :)

Anonymous said...

Hey $5 is $5, you got yourself a meal at Del Taco/Wendy's right there! Or maybe you could sell it back to Alberto's for $5?

Jonathan Murtaugh said...

a) People read your blog
b) A Nazi coin from Alberto's. That's insane.

Bethany said...

Oh wow! That's super funny!

ThePuertoRicanSlant said...

And I thought Dan Lance had a funny post (U2 Cartoon)...but this takes the cake for me...My stomach hurts. You have to keep blogging...that was awesome!