Monday, September 24, 2007


No this post is not about Mr. Risinger, it is about where I am currently posting from, on the toilet in the school of music bathroom. I just got out of a music theory test, which I dominated, its a good thing John Williams and I share a birthday or I may not have gotten some of those alto clef and asymmetrical meter questions. I studied about 2 mins while on the toilet last night which really is the best place to do work because there are no distractions. Toilet time is also a great time for self reflection and meditation if there is no reading material available.

On a less disgusting note I had my first woman's choir performance last night, it went well but the direct out of the bass amp didn't work so only people in the first 5 rows could get their faces melted by my baziness, yes thats bass and craziness mixed together you can use it, but everyone else was left out of the joy. Next week we will use the DI box instead, and I will be using the phat music man to thump their socks off, yes I said thump, it should come today I am super excited.

Thanks to all of you keeping my sister in prayers, she is doing well and getting all the necessary checkups before her surgery to remove the lump and hope it hasn't spread.


MamaSue said...

Sarah's bf is a crazy baziest is definitely going to be part of the Johnson Family vernacular from now on. Thanks for adding to the noise. MamaSue

TheEpicBeat said...

Remind me never to touch your